--Zayn Malik
"Quakebuttock" you murmur. ''Buttface" your mortal nemesis Zayn Malik mutters. Zayn and you just finished another one of your insulting competitions. You've been hating Zayn since he stole your marbles in kindargarten but you paid him back by breaking his crayons and since that day onwards harsh pranks were pulled and mean insults were exchanged between you two and somehow things were never even with both of you. But you hated him and just wanted him to drop dead. "I hope you choke on dog poo!" you yell at him as you walk away. " Someday your gonna be screaming my name, you might wanna be in good terms with me, Miss Know-It-All" he smirks and walks the opposite direction. " IN YOUR WILDEST DREAMS MALIK!" you yell back. "What the heck is wrong with that guy?!" you ask yourself as you made your way home.
You went back home and saw what you saw everyday after school. Ken Burnton who lived next door to you happened to be one of Zayn's closest jock henchmen so of course Zayn hungout with him everyday. Today they had the bright idea to spray paint Mrs. (put the name of the old lady down your street xD)'s cat. You being an animal lover sped over there and started yelling at them. "What do you think your doing, you certified idiots!?"you yell. " What does it look like we're doing? We're spray painting the cat!" Ken says and the both of them start gwauffing stupidly. " ANIMAL CRUELTY!" you yell and pick up the poor, terrified multi-coloured cat. You give Zayn and Ken the the I'll-Deal-With-You-Later glare and sped off to wash the cat and return her to her owner.
After you get home you grab a snack and recieve a text from your best friend, (her name here):-
Parents out, its Thursday, you guys thinking what I'm thinking? PARTEEHHH at my place! 7pm onwards! Be there! ;)
"What!? a Party!?" you thought and you knew instantly that you were going. You quickly text your parents telling them you were going to (your bestfriend)'s house for homework. You pack your school bag with the clothes you were gonna wear to the party because you couldnt risk anyone asking you why you were all "dressy".Eventhough you knew the consequences of being caught could be as bad as being grounded for MONTHS! BUT you HAD to go because EVERYBODY was gonna be there.
After you get to your bestie's house you guys start dressing up and have hours of girl fun! 15 minutes before the party started you came out wearing the cut outfit you brought along with you. Your style was always casual, cute and simple so you were wearing this(<--thats a link click it to see your outfit! :) You helped get all the food ready, put the speakers in place and put away to most likely things to break.Everything was finally ready." Perfecto!" your bff says and then she turned to you and sighed. "What?" you ask. " _____,_______,______" she says" I need to fix that" she says pointing to your hair which was in a messy bun. She braids a nice long braid with a cream white ribbon and just put on some Vaseline on your lips. "All done!" she says smiling.''So you invited any guys?" you ask " ooooo YOU WANNA KNOW IF ZAYNIE ZAYNIE IS COMING" she says with an evil look. You looked like you were about to break something. ' OK OK CALM YOURSELF!" she quickly says. " I invited Ken so Zayn MIGHT come" she says looking guilty. Shes been crushing on Ken for like EVER. " WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIII!!!??" you yell because if Ken was coming Zayn was BOUND to come. " I'm sorry (your name here)" your bestie sighs. " Its okay...You know how I feel about...Malik" you say. " Just stay away from him stick around with me okay?" she replies. Just as she replied the bell rang.The party had started.
You had a great time talking,dancing and eating junk food with your buddies. Afterawhile you actually thought Zayn wasn't turning up but just as you thought this, he walked in. To YourBestfriendsName's surprise Ken didn't come but that evil little twerp AKA Zayn Malik had. You and your friends sat at the kitchen table and talked and sang along to the music when Zayn came in."Helloooo Ladies" Zayn smirks and winks. Your friends looked like they were gonna faint. You would've too. Zayn was a well-built half Pakistani half British guy with a thick accent. He had jet-black hair all shiny and quiffed up and two beautiful brown doe eyes. But only you saw all the evil behind he's amazing looks so you just rolled your eyes. "MOVE IT MALIK" you yell throwing him a disgusted look. "No can do" Zayn smirks back and pats you on the back. An atom bomb explodes in you and you almost twist Zayn's arm."Woah girl! Calm down!" your friends say and pull you away from him. Zayn looked surprised but that evil grin molded itself on his face. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" you yell. Zayn shook his head and laughed and left the room.
Your friends and you grab a soda and headed to the AWESOME terrace. You guys had a good laugh and Zayn's disturbbing presence wasn't bothering you so much. "Hey InsertYourNameHere" your friend, nameHere, says " I think the new guy, Brad, is totally checking you out!" You turn around and sure enough Brad was looking right at you. Brad was kinda cute and seemed cool so you gathered your courage and went upto him. "Hi!" you say with your sweetest smile. " I wonder what great deed I've done to be honoured with the audience of a lovely woman like yourself" he says in the cutest manner. You giggle and and talk for awhile and you actually start liking Brad. " So how about we meet up sometime? Here's my number" Brad says passing a note with his number. "Sure! How about Saturday? 7:00 PM?" you say excited. " Sounds grea-" Brad starts PLOOOOOOOOOOTH! A loud fart sound comes from nowhere it wasn't you but the sound came DIRECTLY from YOU. You blush a bright shade of red. " Uh...I'm busy on Saturday..and all the other days!" Brad says and starts backing away, he slowly turns around and runs. "Brad! That wasn't me!" you start but then you see the entire room staring at you. "That wasn't me you guys," you say meekly and then EVERYBODY starts laughing at you. Zayn was snickering the loudest. And then it hits you you trace your fingers back to the exact place where Zayn patted you and there was something. Something tiny, hard and metalic, you give it a yank and there in your hand was a tiny microphone. You stare at it hard and then you look at Zayn who snickers and waves a remote at you. " YOU...." you mutter. " YOU BEAST! YOU IDIOTIC BEAST!" you yell. You charge at him but he just pressed the button again and PLOOOOOOOOOOOOTH! And everybody laughs again. You were literally powerless and didn't want to end up in a physical fight."____! I'm SO SORRY!" your bestfriend comes in. She quickly takes you up to her room. Zayn NEVER WENT THIS FAR. You SWORE TO YOURSELF to take it further. "I'm soooo sorry,_____" your bestfriend apologises. "This wasn't your fault. its okay" you say her. You really couldn't blame her. And with that you legged it out of the place ignoring all the stares, giggles and teases
The next day you went to school and your bestfriend blew up anyone who brought up last night's topic. The only reason you decided to show your face was to find an oppurtunity to screw up Zayn for good. You scanned the entire school the whole day but found nothing. It wasn't until the end of school until you found something. Just when you were just about to give up you saw the janitor put up a poster :-
Normally you would ignore this...But if the Auburn Alligators win they have a ceremony in front of the entire school where the captain would give a speech in front of the entire school. And who happened to be the captain of the Auburn Alligators? None other than Zayn Malik. YES. If the Auburn Alligators won, Zayn would have to speak in front of the whole school and BOOM that was your moment to embarrass him! YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH!!!You finally got the dirt. But one problem you had to throw it at Zayn...the Auburn Alligators had to win. OR your chance to get Zayn back would be gone. You were never interested in school sporting events because it usually included Zayn. But this time you would have your eyes glued to the match. You were leaving school and you were so engrossed in planning that you forgot to meet up with Zayn for your insulting competitions.
Right when your about to leave out comes Zayn. "Whaddup fartface?" Zayn says with a smirk. Wait, wait, wait what was that look on his face before he smirked, you saw it for a second but you could swear it was guilt. Ah well Zayn has a looooong list of things to be guilty about. " Shut your piehole twerpbreath. I gotta thank you for ruining my date!" you yell "Hehe your welcome. Nice to help someone born in the mental hospital." he snickers. " Why are you so concerned about me? A mere mental patient. Must take up a lot of thinking, you know, pranking me in the most hurtful ways? How do you come up with these? Really Zayn! You think about me THAT much? I don't deserve to take up so much of your time!" you remarked. AND BAM! Here comes the guilty look. "(Y/N) I need to tell you something..." Zayn said looking all guilty and serious. 'What?' you ask. '' YOUR A MOONCALF BWAHAHAHAHHA!" and with that Zayn ran off. Ooooooooooookay!? Something was wrong with that dude but you were too busy scheming like a ninja.
To your convinence, the week sped off quickly and it was finally game day. You waited anxiously in the front row. 10 minutes later the game finally started. The Poisonous Platypi sounded kinda stupid but they playes really well.Infact they scored the first two goals. You were on the edge of your seat everytime the Alligators were about to score but the Platypi were too good. The game was 40 minutes and 30 minutes into the game the Alligators finally scored and this was because the Platypi goalkeeper was all smug and didn't goalkeep properly. Believe it or not you cheered the loudest, one more step closer to messing Zayn up. After that they had a two minutes break and when the game started the Alligators put their game face on and it was a VERY tough battle. Last three minutes and you could've burst from anticipation. In a matter of seconds the Platypi scored. 3-1 was the score. PLAN FOILED. But the game was not over yet....
~~~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED!~~~~~~~~
"Its Mine!"
"C'mon Mom! We're gonna be late!",I yelled

I groaned and fastened my seat belt and we took off. We were on our way to the Hunger Games themed store where they sold Hunger Games merchandises like pins, bow and arrows (not real ones!) and all the other things in the book. I had my eyes on buying the Mockingjay pin to collect my complete set of Katniss's belongings. I ran to the "Katniss's Gear" section and there was only 1 left. Just when I grabbed the pin another hand got hold of it too. The hand belonged to a guy with curly dark chocolate warm brown hair, the silkiness could be felt even without touching it. And his eyes were light greenish blueish."MOCKINGJAY PIN!" I yell in my mind to stop fantasizing.
"Hi,I'm sorry, I got this first" I said trying not to grab it and instead be polite.
" Uh no, actually I did. Big Hunger Games fan you see" he says flashing a flirtatious smile.
" That won't work,now, gimme!" I say a bit firmly pulling the pin to myself.
" Nope, hey, I'll give you the rare Peeta's pearl if you give me this," he says dragging it to him,
" Psht I've got 10 of those already. NOW GIVE IT TO ME!" I said raising my voice.
"NO! Its MINE!" he says raising his voice too,
" Oh look at that!" he says pointing to the ceiling,
Like an idiot, I did and he ran off with the pin laughing his pants off. I ran after him "GIMEEEEEE" I yell. But he sped off. I hid behind a cardboard Gale and as he ran past it I snatched it and took off. He chased me around the whole shop. We ran into the "Katniss's Gear" section and saw the Mockingjay pin shelf being refilled. I stood there in shock. When he came into the section and saw me just standing there he sped even faster and toppled over me. We laughed hard and even harder when we saw the shelf full of pins. We got ourselves the pin and started talking. He was a straight A student, a GINORMOUS Hunger Games fan and a singer.EPICNESS. Oh and he lived nearby just a block away.
"Oh by the way I'm _____" I introduce myself we talked so much that we forgot to introduce ourselves,
"Haha, I'm Harry ......Styles; and thats a pretty name you know" he says flashing a smile.
"Styles as a last name?
Cool!" I compliment. We laugh and exchange numbers and get back to our business.
Next day, I bumped into Harry in school,since he was 2 years older than me I saw him often."Helooooo lovely" he winks and says.
"Don't take it seriously, every girl is lovely to me" he giggles.
" Haha Whatsup?" I say
" Eh nothing much" he says.
Suddenly his eyes become watery. "Awh, come on, spill it out" I say giving him a hug.He guides me to the huge tree in our field and we sit down in the shade,
" My g-g-girlfriend *sniff* broke up with me after th-ree years" he chokes out and with that he went into a full fledged sob.
"I don't get into relationships for that reason, it hurts too much if it ends. Plus, your a tough guy, must've been harsh the way she broke up with you, I mean look at you!" I say.
"She a-asked me to meet her at the place I-I first saw her.She said she had something i-i-i-important to say *sniff* And when I got she was making out with that JERK, Toby Snider!" he says with a glare
" Ah that Snider has all the girls in his hands. Dude get over it! There's a world full of girls out there ya know!" I say patting his hand.
'' How would you know? Its not as easy as you think it is! You've never fallen in love! SHE WAS RIGHT FOR ME! Don't expect you to know!" he gets up and leaves angry and tearful
" Wow, attitude" I shrug.
After 2 days he comes up to me and says "Hi, I'm sorry about the other day. I was very....."
"Oh its fine! Nevermind! I cut him off with a smile.
"Ahahaha they lady's can never stay mad at Sexy Styles can they?" he says grinning from ear to ear.
" Ehheeehee you soooo sexxyyyy!" I say rolling my eyes.
"Hey school ends 3 periods early today. Lets hangout?" he asks.
"Ah okay! Let's get some ice-cream and some cupcakes from Desserts Co." I suggest and he just stares at me."That cafe and those foods happen to be my favourite as well!" he gasps
"Cool! We gonna be homies!" I laugh.
"Hell yeah!" he giggles and we get to our classes as the bell rang
Harry was in my Math class and we sat next to each other.He passes a note:
H: Hi! >:P Lets talk this class bores me.
_: Bye! >:) I need to concentrate. Bug someone else.
H: Nooo >:) U bugable :3
_: Shutup Harry! x-(
H: No can do! Hey you are an bug!
_: That's wrong english. >:P
H: I seem to give a gram of care? Do I? :3
_: Your impeccable!
H:Your beautiful!
_: :O You spelt ugly wrong, love!
H: Noo you spelt beautiful wrong ^_^
_: I'm not replying >:) In Uno Dos Tres
H: I know you want meh! You know I want cha!
I rolled my eyes, scrunched the paper and put it in my bag. I turn to Harry he winks and mouths "teehee". I grin and make it through the class half alive since studying meant hell for me! :P
We meet up outside and headed for Deserts Co. As we walked up Harry becomes my bestfriend. He's just as retarded, carefree, fun and life loving as I am. And everytime he smiled I got freak elephants in my stomach. We got a table and ordered carrot cakes,chocolate and red velvet cupcakes,cheese cake, waffles and triple scoops of ice-cream(sweetooths!). While we awaited our feasts Harry suddenly gets up on the table and starts singing "Who Let the Dogs Out" and hula dancing. By the time he got off the table my mouth was hurting from laughing. He suddenly looks very serious "____", he says " you just don't laugh at a person who is flaunting their talent" he finishes. "Psht. Talent." I say. Our food comes and we pig out. He had icing all over his face and he looked adorable! Wait was I falling for him? We talked loads and laughed a fair amount. We could relate to alot of things that we have encountered. We liked the same kind of books , music and not to mention food! Somehow he spread a smile in my face with whatever he said.
The next day was Friday so I called my bffs ____ and ____ and Harry over to my place. Like the unamazing bffs they can be sometimes they teased me about Harry and he was loving every bit of it! I put down some cookies and we ate loads until there was one left . I was going to take it, a milli inch away from my fingers when Harry grabs it. " Can I have it,please?" I ask. "Nu" he replies "Its MINE!!!" "Not again I groan. As I spoke he took off laughing like a maniac. Obviously I chase after while I hear my friends make wedding arrangements. I see Harry running to the kitchen towards my MOM. He goes up to her and says " Your daughter isn't giving me a cookie" with an innocent look . My mom glares at me "____! Don't be selfish! Give your friend the cookie!" she says. Her glare transforms into a smile and she pats Harry's tuft of curlies while he gave me an evil smirk and gobbled the cookie.We went back to the living room and decided to play games like the good ol' days.
" Hide and Seek?" (Your bff) suggests
"Hide and Seek? Anything but Hide and Seek." Harry says
" What? Why?" (other bff) asks.
" Cus a girl like ____ is hard to find" Harry replies sticking his tongue out.
And that sent (bff) and (bff) into awh-factors.
"Let's play Truth or Dare?" I ask.
" Yeah okay" everyone agrees.
We use a deodrant bottle and the cap was the asker and bottom the answerer. First Spin. (BFF) asks Harry
"Truth or dare?" she asks
" Truth" he replies
" Do you like _____?" she asks
"Hmmmm.....I don't know,maybe" he puts on the most mischievous face and says. (BFF) and (BFF) laughed. We spin again this time I ask Harry.
" Truth or Dare? I ask
"Dare" he promptly replies.
" Fine go tell my mom that the cookie thing was a trick or I'll get a lecture which I don't look forward to" I dare him
"Fine" he says smirking and making his way to the kitchen.
10 minutes pass and he's not back. I got to the kitchen and he was there alright, wearing a yellow apron with a chef's hat with this curlies sticking out . Harry and my mother were having an intense conversation about the seasonings in a Guatemelan Pie.
"Harry did you clear my name or make it worse?" I ask sceptically.
"Something around the middle" he smirks
"We still have a game going on COME ON!" I yell
" Mrs. (your lastname) your daughter is being terrible, I need to go" he says innocently
"Yes,alright dear,you're such an adorable young man! Wish I had a son like you!" my mum says hugging him.He laughs and says "You have a cool mom" when we get back. We spin again and this time (BFF) asks me.
"Truth or Dare?" she asks
" Dare" I reply
"Kiss Harry" she says smirking so evilly.
"Shut up! I'm not doing that!"I yell
"Well then I have to" he says giggling like there's no tomorrow.
"Oh no your not!" I say putting on my wax lips.He comes super close and eats up my wax lips. "That's the closest you lips are coming to mine!" I say. Everyone laughs and we let it drop. We chilled and decided to watch Chuckie and in every scary part Harry hugged me and made sure I wasn't looking (Your bffs? Do I need to say what they were doing about you 2? xD) I got freak elephants every time his skin touched mine.
Since exams were nearing Harry and I group studied and surprisingly we actually learnt loads! Everyday Harry would pour out his heart and I would pour mine. I told him about this guy I just started crushing on Jared Shack, I was totally head-over-heels.
"I think Jared has the most perfect blond hair and green eyes." I sigh one day while studying.
"The heck with Jared?" Harry says suddenly solemn
" I don't know he's cute, smart, funny and nice" I say dreamily.
"Right, anymore jokes your cracking?" he asks.
"I'm serious!" I exclaim
" The fudge cakes with you?! Crushing on stupid guys, making stupid decisions! Sheesh! You just can't do anything right can you?" he yells, with that he leaves with his books and my notebook. I didn't bother say anything. He messed up my day with his crummy attitude!
We hadn't talked in 5 days. MY GOD it was hard because we would talk from 12 midnight to 5 am everyday. And when someone that close is suddenly so distant, you have no idea how bad it feels.He seemed to be taking it easy. He was wearing a tee-shirt saying Mr. Free Fu(ks and flirting with every girl he saw. Best Friend huh? He was obviously ignoring me like I was invisible. (BFF) and (BFF) were comforting me but it didn't work. It was as if the last week was just a dream. "Why must the world be so cruel?" I ask myself. But he was having the time of his life and I just let him slip.
The next day I found my notebook in my locker and Harry knew my locker code. I was putting it in my bag when a note fell:
" Alright _____, here it goes. I waited for the right moment but I missed my shot and now I'm scared. The reason I acted so rude when you told me you liked Jared is because I like you, oh who am I kidding, I LOVE YOU! I've been crushing on you for the past weeks. I know you probably don't nor will you ever after what I've done, I'm honestly ashamed of my acting out. I've been hinting but you don't seem to notice how obvious its or pushed away my attempts. Things might get weirder now that I told you how I feel.But I had to get it off my chest. Look I really like you. You are by far the most beautiful,amazing(bugable) funny person I've ever met. Now I'm having a panic attack and don't know if I should send this but here goes nothing.
PS: This thing is killing me. Come over to my place and we'll clear things up. Kay?"
I couldn't believe my eyes, I just stood there motionless and barely breathing. HARRY LIKES ME! I mean i noticed all the flirting and all but I thought he was only joking! I didn't see him in school so when the last bell rang I literally jumped to his house. Harry's sister Gemma seemed to know me, she hugged me and guided me to his room. He was all curled up in a corner with his blanket (which he had since he was a baby) around him and his face was buried in his knees. I hug him tightly he jumped but when he saw me his two arms gripped on me like no tomorrow.
"OH MY GOD. You came, I'm-m so horrible, I can't believe I could do this, I'M SO SORRY! I can never forg-" he says breathlessly but I cut him off with a full on the lips kiss. His lips were as soft as clouds. My hands tangled themselves in his jungle of curls while his walled my waist. I wish I could live in that moment forever and fireworks shot in my stomach. I finally unwillingly decide to pull away. "Well, am I forgiven? Atleast by you?" he asks looking sad. "Partly", I say trying not to smile and that mischievous glint in his eye and his smile molded themselves on his beautiful face. "YAY!" he yells running around his room like a two year old who just got candies. Suddenly he's solemn, "There's something you need to see" he says pulling me to his bed. A string was hanging he pulled it and a poster of ME fell out. Pictures of me which were apparently given in to him by my bestfriends, decorated with hearts. Little poems about how he felt and the whole poster was about how much he loved me and how I made him feel so amazing after his break up. And how my smile blinded him. "Thats's the only thing prettier than stars and something that I can look at instead of stars." He says sweetly pointing to my pictures.
"You do love me, right?"Harry asks hopeful.
"OH YEAH MAN! Harry Styles got it in the bag! Who duh man? Harry duh man!" he sings and dances around until he trips and topples over me on the bed. We laugh but when his eyes meet mine there's a silent moment as if the world stopped spinning.
" _____" he sighs"Can you do the difficult task of being my girlfriend?" he asks hopefully.
"Don't you already know the answer?" I ask. His mischievous face got even more mischievous and he leaned and kissed me with his pillow lips once more.
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR READING LOVIES! Leave a comment and Subscribe if you want an alert with new stories!
Love it
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ReplyDeletesooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteThanks zoyaa! :D Luvin u!
DeleteWhat did u write Zoya that THE WRITER had 2 Delete?? :P
DeleteOh guys there r some typos ill fix em up! :)
ReplyDeleteIt was just EPIC I just can't find any other word for it..and once again EPIC!!!waiting DESPERATELY for the next one and I still KNOW it's going to be another lot of EPICNESS :D:D:D
ReplyDeleteawhhhh thank you "your epicness" see what i did ther XD Luv you! Thanks sooooo much! cant explain how much im adoring u!
DeleteTotally agree
I bow do to your epicness! Omg! thank you! I feel blessed havimg friends like you! :') XD
Deletedown * Fricking typos! -_-
ReplyDeletehaving* -.-
ReplyDeletedude i loved it
ReplyDeleteAwh really? Thanks! Love you! <3<3
DeleteAww, Its sweet and awesome!
ReplyDeleteThank you! ^__^
Deletecan you make me one with me and niall my name is grace i loved it check out my blog =please :)
ReplyDeleteAwwie thanks! ^-^
DeleteYes i can make 1 for you but is it absolutely necessary to put names? :P I will put U instead if I and _____ instead if names but if u want a name i can defintely do it! Just tell me which u prefer ;)
Oh and would u like a fiction or a freebie? Im willing to do both if you want ;)
Thanks baaiii xoxo
I would love both and the names just mine and you could like random other names I don't care :) and thanks for doing this for me :)
ReplyDelete~Grace O. Morris~
Alrighty gurrll! :D The fic shud be up after the Zayn Malik one because I've been feeling lazy lately :P bear with meh :P And who do you want your freebie to be of? All of the 1D guys? or one of them? Collage or just a custom made picture? Will it be a Harry potter one? Inform me with the details! :D
DeleteAnd dont even mention it! Im glad to do it for anyone! :D
All 1D guys and custom made picture thank you :)
ReplyDeleteNo problemo sweetheart :D The 1D guys collage should be up by today and should your custom made picture be of all the 1D dudes or a particular one if so who? Oh and if you can please leave an email so if i need to i can contact you from time to time! Thanks! xoxo
DeleteMy email is :)
ReplyDeleteLove it!!
ReplyDeleteMake more!!!
There awesome!!
My email is:
I love the Harry fanfic and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the Zayn fanfic :))
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks! :) Feels so awesome to know I've got readers like you. :D
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteASDFGHJKL The Harry fanfic was so AMAZING! And the Zayn fanfic is killing me! What happens to Zayn?!
ReplyDeleteAww thanks! :) i'm updating now so stay tunneeddd~~